Снят с производства
Код товара:
Страна производителя: Украина
Масштаб: 1:72
Уровень сложности: Cредний
Стоимость доставки заказов до 1500 грн:
- курьером по Киеву: 90 грн
- Укрпочта - 45 грн
- НоваяПочта - 90 грн
The basic system takes a new turret mounting two pods of four Stinger missiles each and combines them with 25mm GAU-12/U Gatling gun...While the US Army has shown a tendency for tracked vehicles to support its heavy combat equipment needs, the Marines have leaned towards a wheeled vehicle due to concept of being a lighter intervention forces. In the mid of 1997 new air defense vehicle based on a standard LAV chassis was delivered to the Corps. The basic system takes a new turret mounting two pods of four Stinger missiles each and combines them with 25mm GAU-12/U Gatling gun.
Отзывы о LAV-AD light air defense vehicle |
Доставка по всей Украине: Киев, Львов, Одесса, Харьков, Запорожье, Днепро, Херсон, Кривой Рог, Николаев, Ровно, Полтава, Кировоград, Ивано-Франковск, Винница, Житомир, Черновцы, Черкассы, Чернигов, Сумы, Хмельницкий, Тернополь, Луцк